10 Essential Jewish Business Principles for Success
00 min
Aug 2, 2024
Aug 2, 2024
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10 Essential Jewish Business Principles for Success

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There's a longstanding perception that Jewish people excel in business. Instead of dismissing this notion, let's explore the profound wisdom behind Jewish business success. As an Orthodox Jew, I am eager to share the top 10 Jewish business principles that have guided our community for thousands of years. This article is intended to educate, inspire, and promote growth. Let's dive right in!

1. Teach Your Children to Earn a Living

In Jewish tradition, it’s a commandment to teach children how to earn a living. This is as important as teaching them to swim, signifying the necessity of both life skills. Without the ability to earn a living, individuals may resort to unethical means to survive. Thus, imparting financial education is a crucial responsibility for parents.

2. Honesty in Business Dealings

Honesty is paramount in Jewish business ethics. The Torah mandates the use of honest weights and measures in trade, emphasizing integrity. Success built on deceit is unsustainable. The first question one is asked in heaven is about honesty in business. Upholding honesty ensures long-term success and trust in any industry.

3. Maintain a Positive Relationship with Money

Jewish culture promotes a healthy relationship with money, viewing it as a tool for building communities and institutions. Money is not seen as evil but as a means to achieve good. This positive outlook encourages using wealth to benefit others, fostering growth and prosperity.

4. Support Your Community

The Jewish community thrives on mutual support. Unlike other communities where competition can lead to animosity, Jews strive to uplift each other. Helping fellow community members strengthens collective success, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive.

5. Give to Charity

Jews are encouraged to donate at least 10% of their earnings to charity. This practice not only helps those in need but also keeps individuals humble and motivated to earn more. The act of giving inspires continuous growth and reinforces the importance of supporting others.

6. Prefer Ownership Over Employment

Jewish tradition advocates for ownership rather than working for others. The Torah teaches that individuals should strive to be their own masters. Owning a business offers greater freedom and aligns with the belief that ultimate servitude is to God alone.

7. Treat Others as You Wish to Be Treated

The golden rule of treating others with respect and fairness is integral to Jewish business ethics. This principle, similar to the concept of karma, ensures that good deeds and fair treatment return to benefit the individual, creating a positive business environment.

8. Diversify Your Investments

Jewish wisdom advises dividing assets into thirds: one-third in cash, one-third in real estate, and one-third in inventory. This diversification protects against potential losses in any one area, ensuring financial stability and resilience.

9. Observe a Day of Rest

Observing Shabbat, the Sabbath, involves taking a complete break from work once a week. This includes abstaining from emails, phone calls, and even thinking about work. This day of rest rejuvenates individuals, allowing them to return to work with renewed energy and focus.

10. Trust in God

The phrase "In God We Trust" on American currency reflects a fundamental Jewish belief. Trusting in God provides the confidence to take calculated risks. Jews believe that success ultimately comes from divine blessing, encouraging them to work diligently and trust in positive outcomes.


These ten principles provide a foundation for sustainable business success rooted in ethics, community support, and a positive mindset. By adopting these Jewish business secrets, individuals can enhance their professional lives and contribute to the greater good. If you found value in this article, please subscribe, like, and leave a comment with your thoughts. Your feedback is appreciated, and I wish you success in all your business endeavors. God bless!
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