How to Bank Your First $100,000: A Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Success
00 min
Aug 2, 2024
Aug 2, 2024
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How to Bank Your First $100,000: A Step-by-Step Guide


In this article, we’re diving into the essential steps for banking your first $100,000. This journey requires dedication, strategy, and discipline. If you're ready to commit, let's get started. Don't forget to follow, share, and leave a comment.

1. Set an Ambitious Goal

To bank $100,000, you need to aim higher. Commit to banking a million dollars. This principle, known as 10x, suggests setting goals ten times larger than your initial target. This approach, inspired by Grant Cardone, prepares you for the challenges ahead. Remember, $100,000 is not much in the grand scheme. Aim high, think big, and commit to significant goals.

2. Choose the Right Vehicle

Selecting the right business or job is crucial. Not all ventures can realistically help you bank $100,000. Avoid low-margin businesses like small food stands or home bakeries. Opt for roles or businesses with high revenue potential. Ensure that your chosen field can generate more than you need, allowing you to save and invest excess earnings.

3. Maintain Multiple Revenue Streams

Don’t abandon existing revenue streams when starting something new. Many people make the mistake of leaving their jobs to start a business, cutting off their primary income source. Instead, maintain your current income while building new ventures. If you’re a bookkeeper, keep your existing clients as you expand your business. Diversify your income to create a safety net.

4. Get Close to the Money

Position yourself in roles that directly influence revenue. Sales positions are ideal because they directly contribute to the company’s income, often with performance-based rewards. The closer you are to the money, the greater your earning potential. Choose industries and roles where you can negotiate commissions and bonuses based on the revenue you generate.

5. Master Your Craft

Become exceptional at what you do. The better you are, the higher your earning potential. Study the top performers in your field, read their books, watch their content, and apply their strategies. Your goal should be to become indispensable to your employer or clients, making you worth any salary or fee you command.

6. Stay Broke

Adopt the mindset of staying broke. This means saving aggressively and living below your means. Open a separate bank account where you save a significant portion of your income, ideally 40%. Make this account inaccessible for everyday expenses. This disciplined approach ensures you build substantial savings over time.

7. Avoid Financial Traps

Don’t fall into the trap of buying expensive items to appear wealthy. Instead, focus on saving and investing your money. Prioritize long-term financial health over short-term gratification. Financing necessary purchases at low rates can help preserve your capital. Always protect your savings and avoid unnecessary expenditures.

8. Seek Advice from Proven Experts

Only take financial advice from those who have achieved what you aim to achieve. Avoid well-meaning but inexperienced friends and relatives. Look for mentors and advisors with a proven track record of success. Their insights will be invaluable in navigating your financial journey.

9. Fight Through the Pain

Building wealth requires discipline and the ability to resist temptations. The journey can be painful, but enduring this pain is crucial. Protect your savings from impulse purchases and unnecessary expenses. Delay gratification and focus on your long-term financial goals.

10. Plan and Prioritize Cash Flow

Manage your cash flow wisely. If you need to make a significant purchase, consider financing it to keep your capital intact. For example, instead of paying $5,000 upfront for furniture, opt for a manageable payment plan. This approach maintains your liquidity and allows you to handle unforeseen expenses.


Banking your first $100,000 is a significant milestone that requires a strategic approach. By setting ambitious goals, choosing the right business or job, maintaining multiple revenue streams, and staying disciplined, you can achieve financial success. Remember to seek advice from proven experts and manage your cash flow wisely. If you found this guide helpful, please follow, share, and leave a comment. Let’s achieve financial success together!
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