Unlock Your Earning Potential: Train Your Brain to Make More Money with John Assaraf
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Aug 2, 2024
Aug 2, 2024
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Train Your Brain to Make More Money: Proven Strategies by John Assaraf


Can you train your brain to help you make more money? According to John Assaraf, the answer is a resounding yes. This article explores Assaraf’s methods and strategies for reprogramming your mind to achieve financial success. Follow these steps to set clear goals, use affirmations, visualize success, and take actionable steps towards your financial dreams.
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Set Clear Financial Goals

The journey to making more money begins with clarity. As Assaraf learned from his mentor Walter Schneider, you must have a precise financial target. Whether your goal is to earn $100,000 a year, $8,500 a month, or $2,150 a week, clarity is crucial. Here’s how to start:
  1. Define Your Goal: Decide the exact amount you want to earn. Be specific about whether this is a weekly, monthly, or annual goal.
  1. Break It Down: Understand what this goal means on a smaller scale. Knowing you need to make $8,500 a month or $2,150 a week helps in planning actionable steps.

Create and Use Affirmations

Affirmations are powerful tools for training your brain. They help you focus on your goals and reinforce positive thinking. Assaraf suggests creating a simple, specific affirmation like, "I am so happy and grateful for the fact that I am now earning $10,000 a month." Here’s how to use affirmations effectively:
  1. Daily Practice: Read your affirmation aloud five to ten times every morning and night.
  1. Close Your Eyes: As you recite your affirmation, close your eyes and imagine receiving that money. Visualize it as a check, cash, or a deposit in your bank account.
  1. Feel the Emotions: Immerse yourself in the emotions associated with receiving the money. Feel the joy, security, and excitement as if it were happening right now.

Visualize Your Success

Visualization is another critical component of training your brain. It helps your mind accept your goals as achievable and real. Here’s how to do it:
  1. Create a Mental Movie: Visualize the impact of earning your desired income. Imagine how it will improve your life, your family’s life, your community, and the charities you support.
  1. Detailed Imagery: See yourself living the lifestyle that comes with your financial success. Picture the car you’ll drive, the vacations you’ll take, and the home you’ll live in.
  1. Emotional Connection: Connect emotionally with these visualizations. The more you can feel the emotions associated with your success, the more real it will become to your brain.

Use a Vision Board

A vision board can be a powerful tool to keep your goals front and center in your mind. It serves as a constant reminder of what you are working towards. Here’s how to create one:
  1. Gather Images: Find pictures that represent your financial goals and the lifestyle you aspire to. This can include cars, homes, vacation destinations, and images of charitable activities.
  1. Create Your Board: Arrange these images on a physical board or a digital platform.
  1. Daily Viewing: Look at your vision board daily, preferably in the morning and before bed. This reinforces your goals and keeps you motivated.

Take Actionable Steps

Visualization and affirmations set the stage, but action is essential to make your goals a reality. Assaraf emphasizes the importance of taking daily steps towards your financial goals. Here’s how to integrate action into your routine:
  1. Daily Questions: Every day, ask yourself, "What can I do today to make my income goal a reality?"
  1. Identify Actions: List one or two specific actions you can take each day to move closer to your goal. This could be networking, learning new skills, or finding new clients.
  1. Consistent Effort: Consistency is key. Regular, small steps can lead to significant progress over time.

Prime Your Brain for Success

Combining mental practices with physical actions primes your brain for success. By consistently using affirmations, visualizations, and vision boards, you train your brain to believe in and work towards your financial goals. Here’s the process summarized:
  1. Affirmations: Use daily affirmations to reinforce your goals.
  1. Visualization: Visualize your success and the positive impact it will have.
  1. Vision Board: Create and regularly view a vision board.
  1. Daily Actions: Take consistent steps towards achieving your goals.


Training your brain to make more money involves a combination of mental and physical strategies. By setting clear goals, using affirmations, visualizing success, creating a vision board, and taking daily actionable steps, you can reprogram your brain to achieve financial success. Start today, and watch as your mindset shifts and your financial situation improves. For more insights and strategies, explore John Assaraf’s teachings and begin your journey towards financial abundance.
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