7 Essential Principles to Live By for a Happy and Successful Life
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Aug 2, 2024
Aug 2, 2024
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7 Principles to Live By for a Successful, Happy Life


Achieving a successful and happy life requires more than just luck. It demands commitment, thoughtful actions, and the adoption of certain principles that guide your daily decisions. Here are seven essential principles that can help you lead an abundant, happy, and successful life.

1. Embrace the Impermanence of Life

The first principle to live by is the awareness that one day you will be gone. This realization isn't meant to instill fear but to remind you to live fully today. Life is unpredictable and short. Embrace each day with the intent to give your best—to your work, your family, and everyone you encounter. Reflect on how you can make a lasting, positive impact on others. Remember, material things don't matter in the end; the feelings you evoke in others and the fulfillment you experience in your heart are what truly count.

2. Believe in the Possibilities

There is nothing you cannot be, do, or have. If someone else has achieved it, so can you. This doesn't mean it will be easy, but it is possible. Break down the seemingly impossible into actionable steps. Make a plan and be willing to work towards it. Remember, "impossible" broken down states "I'm possible." Your journey towards success begins with the belief in your potential and the determination to pursue it.

3. Pursue Happiness Relentlessly

Nothing is worth it if it doesn't make you happy or make you better. Evaluate everything you do by asking if it brings you joy or will lead to greater happiness in the long term. Understand that achieving anything worthwhile often requires sacrifice and struggle. However, if the effort doesn’t promise future happiness, it might not be worth it. Prioritize activities and goals that contribute to your long-term well-being and fulfillment.

4. Be True to Yourself

Always be yourself with no exceptions. Many people live lives they don't desire because they conform to others' expectations. True happiness and success come from authenticity. You are unique, and that uniqueness is your greatest asset. Follow your own path, make your own decisions, and avoid comparing yourself to others. Your journey is yours alone, and living it authentically is the only way to achieve true fulfillment.

5. Recognize Your Inner Strength

Everything you need is already within you. Material possessions and external achievements can never complete you. Real happiness comes from within. When you stop seeking fulfillment outside yourself, you create space for true joy and contentment. Remember, needing nothing attracts everything. When you are internally content, you open up to greater possibilities and experiences.

6. Surround Yourself with Positive Energy

Eliminate toxic people from your life and surround yourself with positive energy. The company you keep significantly influences your happiness and success. Unfortunately, not everyone will share your positive outlook. Let those who drain your energy run their own race while you focus on your journey. Shine your light brightly, and those who resonate with your energy will gravitate towards you. Never dim your light to fit in; instead, let your positivity attract like-minded individuals.

7. Focus on the Positive

Whatever you focus on, you will find. If you search for negativity, you will find it. Conversely, if you seek positivity, you will discover it. The meaning you assign to your life shapes your reality. Choose to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Make it your intention to look for the good in every situation and person. Practice gratitude for what you have and strive to see the best in others. Your perspective will determine your experience of life, so focus on what benefits and uplifts you.


Living a successful and happy life is a conscious choice that involves adopting these seven principles. Embrace the impermanence of life, believe in your possibilities, pursue happiness relentlessly, be true to yourself, recognize your inner strength, surround yourself with positive energy, and focus on the positive. By integrating these principles into your daily life, you can create a fulfilling and prosperous future. Remember, the journey to success and happiness starts from within.
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