Health & Wellness
New to the Gym? Learn How to Dodge These 3 Common Mistakes
00 min
Apr 30, 2024
Apr 30, 2024
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Beginning a fitness journey can present challenges, with the most difficult part often being the ability to sustain it over time. As a newcomer to fitness, you may encounter numerous opinions on what you should or should not do. However, it is crucial to take ownership of your fitness journey and conduct thorough research, as it is your body at stake. In this article, we will explore the three most common mistakes that beginners make at the gym. By understanding and avoiding these mistakes, you can save valuable time and effort in the gym and achieve more effective results.

Who is a beginner?

According to common fitness terminology, a beginner is typically defined as an individual with less than a year of training experience. Beginners often lack full confidence in executing all exercises, may not have a complete grasp of proper form, and are generally in a phase known as "newbie gains." During this phase, beginners have the potential to make faster progress in terms of muscle strength and growth compared to more experienced individuals.

Too Long Session Length and Frequency

For beginners, it is important to note that training sessions need not exceed one hour in length. Some individuals may initially attempt two-hour sessions in an effort to incorporate a wide range of exercises, leading to information overload that can overwhelm the brain's processing capacity. Instead, focusing on a 45-minute to one-hour workout that is sufficiently challenging is optimal. It is during the intermediate to advanced stages of training that longer gym sessions become more beneficial.
In terms of session frequency, beginners often experience burnout when attempting to train too frequently. However, due to their heightened stimulus sensitivity, beginners can achieve significant results by engaging in two whole-body workout sessions per week. Training more frequently than necessary not only fails to enhance results but also increases the risk of burnout. Therefore, starting with four sessions or less per week is recommended for many beginners, with an emphasis on proper lifting techniques.


Maintaining consistency in your fitness routine is key to progressing from an average level to achieving excellence. One of the most prevalent mistakes made by beginners is inconsistency. Beginners often struggle with maintaining a regular workout schedule, and skipping entire weeks of training can significantly impede progress. Just as you cannot construct a skyscraper without physically being present at the construction site, consistent and repeated presence in your fitness regimen is essential for achieving your desired results.
Beginner fitness enthusiasts can generally be categorized into two groups based on their approach:
  1. Those who easily give up: This group tends to visit the gym, complete their workouts, return home, look in the mirror, see no immediate changes, and become discouraged. If they fail to notice significant progress within a short period, they may quickly lose motivation and quit their fitness journey.
  1. Those who adhere to their routine: On the other hand, individuals in this group firmly believe in the process, commit to their fitness regimen, and demonstrate perseverance. While they may occasionally deviate from their routine or miss a workout, they maintain consistency over time and ultimately begin to observe positive results.
The process of building muscle is gradual, and as you advance in your fitness journey, the rate of progress typically slows down. It is important to note that visible changes in muscle growth are not immediately apparent on a daily basis. Some individuals mistakenly believe that lack of immediate visual progress signifies a lack of overall improvement, which is not accurate.
Consistency in muscle building entails establishing and adhering to a consistent workout schedule, setting achievable goals, seeking advice from reliable sources, and sustaining motivation over time.

Avoiding the hard stuff

Many beginners often overlook challenging exercises like compound movements when starting their fitness journey. It is crucial to prioritize free weights over machines initially, as these exercises help establish fundamental techniques that are beneficial for all other machine exercises. Learning movements such as leg presses, arm presses, vertical and horizontal pulls, which are foundational patterns present in various machine exercises, is best achieved through free-weight training with barbells and dumbbells.
Mastering compound heavy basics like Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Presses, Overhead Presses, and Barbell Curls is highly advantageous, as these exercises require maintaining balance, posture, and a strong core under heavy loads. Engaging in these challenging exercises helps beginners develop the necessary strength and resilience to prevent injuries in the future, particularly by strengthening the lower back.
Avoiding compound heavy basics and solely relying on machines can lead to a lack of exposure to exercises that require bracing under load, stability, and overall strength development. This approach may result in fragility and potential injury issues down the line. Therefore, it is essential not to shy away from challenging exercises and incorporate them into your workout routine.


To enhance your chances of success in your fitness journey, it is crucial to address the three main mistakes discussed: exceeding session time and frequency limits, maintaining consistency in training, and embracing challenging exercises. The primary objective of embarking on a fitness journey is to strive towards becoming the optimal version of yourself. Rather than focusing on comparing your progress to others, prioritize your efforts towards achieving your personal goals.
It is important to recognize that fitness is a long-term endeavor, akin to a marathon rather than a sprint. Embrace the process of gradual progress and appreciate that the journey towards strength is just as significant as reaching your ultimate fitness goals.
Thank you for reading! Comment below with your thoughts and suggestions.
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