The 20 Essential Rules of Money Every Entrepreneur Should Know
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Aug 2, 2024
Aug 2, 2024
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The 20 Rules of Money: Mastering Financial Success


In your lifetime, how much money has passed through your hands? Have you ever calculated it? Whether you've earned thousands or millions, the crucial question is: how much do you have left? If you're not satisfied with the answer, it's likely because you haven't mastered the rules of the money game. Here, we present the 20 rules of money to help you understand and play the game better, inspired by insights from financial experts.

Rule #1: Understand Money as a Game

Money is a game, and like any game, it can be learned. People who succeed financially have mastered the rules. Whether it's chess or Monopoly, experience and understanding the game improve your chances of winning. Similarly, learning the money game can significantly enhance your financial situation.

Rule #2: Don't Hate Money

If you dislike money, you'll never attract it. Money gravitates towards those who respect and appreciate it. Negative beliefs about money, such as "money doesn't grow on trees" or "rich people are greedy," repel wealth. Change your mindset to see money positively, and it will be more likely to come your way.

Rule #3: Play the Doubles Game

The money game is about doubling your money. If you have $1,000, focus on doubling it to $2,000, then to $4,000, and so on. This strategy simplifies wealth accumulation. Knowing your risk tolerance and time horizon helps you set realistic goals for doubling your money.

Rule #4: Seduce Money

Money is like a person—it is attracted to those who know how to manage it well. Desperation repels money, while confidence and strategy attract it. Learn to seduce money by making smart, calculated financial decisions that show you are in control.

Rule #5: Master Timing

Financial success often depends on timing. Knowing when to invest, when to save, and when to spend is crucial. This skill comes from experience and understanding market trends, economic conditions, and your personal financial situation.

Rule #6: Avoid Boredom

Money should always be working for you. If it sits idle in a checking account, it loses value over time due to inflation. Invest your money wisely to ensure it continually grows. Money that is not actively generating more wealth is essentially being wasted.

Rule #7: Maintain a Secret Account

Always have a crisis account that no one knows about. This secret fund is different from your emergency fund and can save you during financial crises. It acts as a safety net, ensuring you have resources to fall back on when needed.

Rule #8: Don't Fly First Class Until You're Wealthy

Luxury expenses like first-class flights should be avoided until you have significant wealth, such as $10 million in the bank. Save and invest your money wisely instead of spending it on unnecessary luxuries. Once you're financially secure, you can enjoy these luxuries without impacting your wealth.

Rule #9: Understand Your Compensation Plan

Know how you're taxed in your country and how to optimize your tax situation. In the U.S., for example, business owners benefit from favorable tax laws. Becoming an entrepreneur can provide significant tax advantages, contributing to your financial growth.

Rule #10: Avoid End-of-the-World Mentality

Media often sensationalizes financial crises, leading to fear-based decisions. During economic downturns, maintain a calm and strategic approach. Many wealthy individuals capitalize on crises by buying undervalued assets. Prepare to take advantage of such opportunities.

Rule #11: Study Politicians and Policies

Understand the economic policies of your local politicians, especially those in power. Their decisions can significantly impact your financial planning. Knowing their philosophies on taxation and business can help you adjust your strategies accordingly.

Rule #12: Learn from Smart Investors

Study successful investors like Warren Buffett to understand their philosophies and strategies. While you don’t need to follow their exact methods, learning their principles can help you develop a successful investment mindset.

Rule #13: Play Your Game

Focus on your financial goals and avoid comparing yourself to others. Everyone’s financial journey is different. Set realistic goals based on your situation and work diligently towards achieving them without being distracted by others' progress.

Rule #14: Beat Your Goals, Not Just the Index

While beating the market index is important, it's more crucial to beat your personal financial goals. Set clear, achievable targets and work towards surpassing them. Your goals should guide your financial decisions more than market benchmarks.

Rule #15: Befriend Money Makers

Surround yourself with people who understand and make money. Their influence and insights can help you improve your financial strategies. Networking with successful individuals can provide valuable opportunities and knowledge.

Rule #16: Diversification is for Sissies

While diversification is a safety strategy, it can hinder significant financial growth if overdone. Those in the aggressive phase of their financial journey should focus more on high-reward investments. Diversify enough to manage risk but remain bold enough to pursue substantial gains.

Rule #17: Leverage Wisely

Leverage is a powerful tool in growing wealth. Use it to expand your business, increase sales, and enhance operations. Understanding and applying leverage effectively can significantly accelerate your financial growth.

Rule #18: Position Yourself Strategically

Position yourself in roles or investments that offer equity and growth potential. Strategic positioning can provide substantial financial rewards. Look for opportunities where you can participate in the success of a business or investment.

Rule #19: Forge Strategic Partnerships

Form partnerships that benefit all parties involved. Strategic alliances can enhance your financial capabilities and open new opportunities. The more people benefit from your success, the more likely they are to support and collaborate with you.

Rule #20: Avoid Big Check Syndrome

Receiving a large sum of money can lead to reckless spending. Treat big payouts as part of your annual income, not a one-time windfall. Managing large sums wisely ensures long-term financial stability and growth.


Mastering the 20 rules of money can transform your financial life. By understanding and applying these principles, you can learn to play the money game effectively, ensuring long-term wealth and financial security. Stay disciplined, make informed decisions, and continuously educate yourself to achieve financial success.
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